AMZ1 Token é um ativo digital registrado na cadeia eletrônica Blockchain. Único e associado à Latidute e Longitude protegidos pela Amazonic One Eco Tecnologia S.A. O Token está colateralizado com Ações da Amazonic One Company conforme registro e contrato eletrônico que acompanha este Token. O Proprietário deste bem eletrônico tem direitos legais com a empresa Amazonic One Eco Tecnologia S.A. Os tokens garante a proteção de fração de area de floresta na Amazonia por 10 anos na razão de 1 token por 100 metros quadrado. Os tokens serão enviados eletronicamente para o e-mail cadastrado de cada comprador e os links de acesso ao Documentos legais da empresa.
AMZ1 TOKEN - Bioma 10 Ref. 10 m2 (sq meter)
SKU: A702000T10M
R$ 60,00Preço
- DeFI TokenWith Blockchain technology, we are creating the mechanism by which anyone on the planet can become a protector of theAmazon Rainforest. Respecting Brazilian and International laws, Amazonic One acquires land with the SOLE purpose of protection. We have transformed this pact with society into a Carbon Credit that supports the operation to protect the Forest and its entire Biome. But how to buy such a large area? To make this possible, Amazonic One became a Sociedad Anónima (S.A.) In this way, we associate the company's capital with DeFI Tokens and determine that each Square Meter acquired by Amazonic One is a Token. We are privately placing these TOKENS on the market and attracting investors to enable the protection of the property. We do not sell land, we are not real estate companies, what we are sharing is our Social Capital. You too can own a portion of Amazonic One and participate in this fantastic project.