AMZ1 Tokenis a digital asset registered on the Blockchain electronic chain. Unique and associated with Latidute and Longitude protected by Amazonic One Eco Tecnologia SA The Token is associated with the ownership of the Amazonic One Company Share as per the registration and electronic contract that accompanies this Token. The Owner of this electronic asset has legal rights over the company Amazonic One Eco Tecnologia SA in accordance with the legislation in force in Brazil and in the amount of its fraction representing 1/10,000 of a private share registered in treasury and deposited electronically in its total value via token AMZ1. The tokens will be sent electronically to the registered e-mail of each buyer with a manual for accessing and monitoring the Latitude and Longitude of the preserved area and a communication link with the Farm of Amazonic One Eco Tecnologia SA Accompanying the Token, the access links ao Legal documents of the company.
Biome 100 Ref. 10 m2 (sq meter)
- DeFI TokenWith Blockchain technology, we are creating the mechanism bywhich anyone on the planet can become a protector of theAmazon Rainforest.Respecting Brazilian and International laws, Amazonic Oneacquires land with the SOLE purpose of protection. we havetransformed this pact with society into a Carbon Credit thatsupports the operation to protect the Forest and its entire Biome.But how to buy such a large area? To make this possible,Amazonic One became a Sociedad Anónima (SA) In this way,we associate the company's capital with DeFI Tokens anddetermine that each Square Meter acquired by Amazonic One isthe Token. We are privately placing these TOKENS on the marketand attracting investors to enable the protection of the property.We do not sell land, we are not real estate companies, what weare sharing is our Social Capital. You too can own a portion ofAmazonic One and participate in this fantastic project.